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We've been addressed. Part 1.

It's clear that this blog has made The Devoted Barn sit up and pay attention. Today, 4/20/2022 as of 2pm, two separate posts were made addressing a couple of the questions/concerns that we brought up. We do have a few follow ups.

1.) Huey and Hannah- The horses on stall rest

That's great that the vets came to check them out this week. How convenient that this suddenly happened after The Devoted Barn was questioned about the status of these two horses. Perhaps they would be willing to post the updated diagnostic material to support this? What is their actual diagnosis? What is the expected timeline for them to have to stay on stall rest? Huey is clearly in pain; why is performing surgery immediately not a consideration for him to heal faster? Also, it should be noted that radiographs are not used to evaluate soft tissue injuries like Hannah allegedly has. Ultrasounds look at soft tissue. Radiographs look at bone.

2.) Sarah and Landry- Dogs with ACL repairs

A photo was posted 4/20/2022 showing these two dogs out unrestrained in the snow with shaved legs and the post mentioned that it was taken "shortly after Sarah's surgery." It was reported in a Facebook comment at the end of February that the dogs were having their surgeries the first week of March. If they did have surgery that week, at minimum they would be eight weeks out from surgery. Their original surgery date had been postponed due to weather. If the photo was taken shortly after surgery, why are they being allowed to run around together unrestrained? Below are links from several veterinary practices with post op instructions after a CPL repair. All of them mention restrained exercise for at least 6-10 weeks post op. This is because proper rehab is crucial to the success of the repair. It is shocking to think that these two dogs are out running around together so quickly now that it's hard to get photos of them. Hopefully they don't damage the repair and need a redo.


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