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We the "H a t e r s"

We the "H a t e r s"of the The Devoted Barn, in order to promote a more perfect rescue, establish justice for all animals, insure truth in statements, provide content for critical thinking, promote the general welfare of animals, and secure the blessings of liberty to current and future rescue animals, do ordain and establish this Blog of Facts.

The Devoted Barn and Melissa Borden have seemed to have a chronic problem with

"h a t e r s," as they like to call them, for quite some time. So who are these "h a t e r s" you ask? These are people who once believed in the mission, people who volunteered, people who donated money/supplies/time, people who are passionate about animal rescue, most of all, they are people who genuinely love animals and want the very best for them. Melissa likes to continually paint a picture that the "h a t e r s" are obsessed with her and this vendetta is about hating her personally. To that we say "get over yourself!" This isn't about YOU Melissa. This is 100% about the animals and the numerous times the lack of proper management, planning, and care knowledge has failed them.

Until this blog, the "h a t e r s" were forced into the shadows anytime they questioned the actions of The Devoted Barn or commented on a social media post with words that would distract from the intended narrative being spoon fed to unknowing supporters/donors. These people are often berated by blind supporters, their comments are deleted and they are blocked from the group. You have never seen The Devoted Barn, or Melissa, present any actual proof to deny any negative allegations. Melissa and her loyal guardians have tried to make us all believe that they are full of candor and their spoken word is the point-of-truth.

Below are fifty, yes FIVE ZERO, videos where Melissa (or another barn representatives) mention the "h a t e r s". We couldn't post the actual links but you can find these yourself by searching "haters" on The Devoted Barn Facebook page. (It is just a photo posted below) These don't include written posts as there were too many to include. What other rescue has such a large group of people trying to get others to pay attention to what they have to say because they smell a rat!?! We only found videos going back to 2016 but you can bet money that Melissa had "h a t e r s" on her radar long before that. If you decide to follow any of the below links and watch the videos, pay attention to what people are commenting. You will start to notice a pattern of Melissa using her platform to incite hatred of these people questioning her from her other followers. This sets the tone for her storyline of any "h a t e r s", past, present or future. They are always out to get her. They don't think about the animals. They only want to bring her down and ruin her life. "It's not the Melissa show!" We have heard it all, as I'm sure you have too.

But guess what? We are not at all the bullying, lying, animal loathing, "H A T E R S" that Melissa wants you to think we are. We are actually LOVERS. Lovers of animals to the extent that we will go to these lengths to ensure they are freed from the prison of greed they have landed in. We want to see these animals in a proper sanctuary, or better yet, HOMES. We are not a small group of people, and our group is growing with each new person who reads the truths and sees the rock solid black and white evidence that we have to present. Below are just a small handful of messages from all different "h a t e r s" we have received on the blog chat.

There are people coming out of the woodwork have been silenced for so long and finally have hope that the Dysfunctional Barn may finally be coming to and end and the animals can finally live the lives that they deserve. We know many more of you are out there reading this and please know that this blog represents all of you who have also wanted to stand up and say something but didn't have the courage to.

Those of you reading this who still support the barn and haven't questioned anything, ask yourselves "why"? Notice how Melissa has never supplied any concrete evidence to back up her claims that the "h a t e r s" are spewing false information? How easy would it be to shut us all up? Posting some bank statements showing her payments for vet bills, farrier and boarding fees for her personal horses would be easy to do. Show where the money is coming in and where it is going out. Post the updated financial reports for Devoted Friends Animal Society (if you're new here The Devoted Barn operates under the EIN of Devoted Friends Animal Society). If any of you were publicly questioned this hard for being a liar and a fraud, wouldn't you be doing everything you can to prove otherwise?! We have the evidence to back up our claims. You should be asking Melissa for hers before you keep financially supporting her, or are you cool just taking her word for it? The board members of Devoted Friends Animal Society should also be asking Melissa for proof of denying these claims because they will need it when the IRS comes knocking. Oh and by the way, are you aware that the board members of Devoted Friends Animal Sanctuary could be held personally liable if the IRS or any of the multiple legal battles extend their hands out for payments owed? They are fiduciaries of the 501c3, and will be held responsible if/when the time comes. Hopefully the other board members (talking to you here Linda, Rose, Tammy, Diana and Mark) have better financial sense than the director of The Devoted Barn!

Melissa also likes to toss around the notion that she has started legal proceedings to go after these "h a t e r s" spreading all of these terrible untruths. As defamation and slander are tort law she would have to prove malice in order to have a case, and there is zero malice here we are trying to help and protect animals. The first thing that would happen in a court case is something called discovery and Devoted Friends Animal Society, The Devoted Barn and Melissa would be required to pony up all their bank statements for the past 10 years, then business and personal tax returns, statements from all suppliers, credit card statements and the plethora of other things that would prove fiscally and verbally every single thing printed in this blog (or other statements made over the years). Do you actually think they/she would win in court??? Why do you think she has never sued anyone for speaking out about her?? Because she realizes it is true and that she would have to produce all these records which would expose her for FRAUD!!!!

Those of you still volunteering, have you heard of any plans being made for the animals IF they don't raise the money to stay at the current property? What is the plan B-Z? We can assure you that there are many amazing people waiting in the shadows ready to get to work to find these animals amazing places to go. We were excited at the announcement by Huntington Ridge Farm that they would be able to stay there while they worked to find them the right places to go. This group of "h a t e r s", and the many that stand by us, have the contacts, financial backing and animal care knowledge to make this happen, we PROMISE YOU. The rescue community has already started to reach out and let us know that they are standing by should assistance be needed. The Devoted Barn representatives are the only ones threatening euthanasia as the only option for some of these animals. They would rather see them euthanized or moved to a completely unsuitable location than see them thriving in the care of someone else. Why? Because that would dispel the portrayal that these animals can only exist and thrive in HER care.

The Melissa Borden controlled Devoted Barn is not the only place for them. If she really, truly cared about the animals, and this wasn't about HER desire to stay at this property, would't you think she would be reaching out for help from the rescue community and be making a plan? Think about WHY prominent people in rescue or many large rescues aren't offering their support. Think about WHY big news stations aren't picking up the story. WHY would a group of people be working so diligently to expose an animal rescue? It's FOR THE ANIMALS! They deserve better! I can guarantee you, the "h a t e r s" are not the group who have landed The Devoted Barn in the boiling hot water they are in. That fault lies solely with one individual and anyone who has enabled her. The mismanagement of this rescue has continually put all of the animals in their care at risk. This cycle needs to be stopped.

TO MELISSA BORDEN (we know you're reading):

We have a proposal for you. A challenge if you will. We would LOVE for you to prove us wrong. We would LOVE to know that you are not living off of the rescue donations and you are in fact paying your own way without the assistance of people donating their hard earned dollars intended for the rescue animals. We would LOVE to find out that you don't in fact have a farm full of personal horses supported by rescue dollars. We would LOVE to see evidence that there is a solid business plan in place and the hundreds of thousands of dollars people are collecting won't be wasted on failed future endeavors. We would LOVE to see the inside of the dog kennel to see that we are wrong about the conditions and that the dogs are in fact living their best lives. We would LOVE to know that we are wrong about Wilbur, Pearl, Dan, Louise, and the baby cows.


Here is the challenge: Prove that we are wrong with irrefutable evidence and we will remove this entire blog and even issue a redaction and an apology. You have our word.

-Signed: All of the "H A T E R S"

1 Comment

Kimberly Joy
Dec 06, 2022

What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Nothing provided in your hateful blog shows any proof of anything. They are just your words and opinions.

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