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Moving Boxes Needed

Well folks- the verdict is in! Sorry for the delay with this news, but we had to physically go to the courthouse to get these documents.

In the case of Huntington Ridge Farms vs Devoted Friends Animals Society, the judge ruled in favor of Huntington Ridge Farms and dismissed the counter suit filed by DFAS.

Huntington Ridge was granted the forfeiture based on the following breaches of the land contract.

-Nonpayment of monthly payment since Feb 2022 (until court ordered escrow)

-Failure to produce any proof of insurance or premiums paid

-Failure to pay property taxes in a timely manner

-Destruction/loss of property

Huntington Ridge Farm was awarded all escrow payments (their own as well as DFAS's) and are still entitled to collect over $50,000 from DFAS. Their possession of the property was retained and they are still entitled to evict DFAS/The Devoted Barn and all occupants from the property.

The status of the $100,000 appeal bond is uncertain. It is also not clear what the timeline for eviction looks like. They have one more appeal left to the Michigan Supreme Court. The bond won't be released until DFAS makes a motion to do so, but when that happens, they can no longer appeal. It is assumed that DFAS will likely submit another futile appeal, but we will have to see what happens with all of this.

The court docket updated late yesterday to show another hearing date for 3/7 for this case. We should hopefully learn more then about what's coming next.

The court order is posted below.


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