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Money & Gaslighting

Let us follow the money and the flame shall we?? The dollars and gaslighting are a juicy trail to be sure.

In the world of nonprofits (501c3) there are websites like Guidestar and Both are bountiful with information on any organization that has a nonprofit status because each year they are to file a 990 form on time that gives you insight into the money being collected.

Also, in Michigan if you collect over $275,000 you need to submit financial statements and if you take in over $525,000 you must provide audited financial statements with your 990. Which brings us to Devoted Friends 2020 990 form. Line item #8 Program Service Revenue (funds received by an organization in exchange for providing the services for which it received tax-exemption) was $286,930 up from $20,600 in 2019. How during the height of Covid when everything was shut down did a rescue generate revenue of almost $287,000?? Are they saying they made this money adopting out animals?? Do you realize how many adoption fees and animals it would take to reach almost $287,000??

Many of the cult Kool-Aid drinkers seem to think that because a person rescues animals that they deserve a free pass to rules and a life paid for by donors. When people ask questions or municipalities protect zoning/building ordinances they are attacked. It seems to be a mental disease that the rules don’t apply if you are deemed some sort of folk hero who is saving animals. That is not how properly managed and responsible organizations operate. When you are responsible for lives you don’t just wing it. You pay bills on time, you apply for proper permits and you don’t make your problems for not doing the above a gaslighted narrative that you are a victim. Nothing is further from the truth.

How many times have you read comments from people who say they are on fixed income and “can’t afford much”, but open their wallets to give a few dollars to a woman who has ZERO understanding of what it is to be accountable for her spending and lack of paying?? Do you realize that the rescue pays for her living expenses?? She does not pay for the house she lives in, donations pay for the house as part of the land contract Then to top it off the land contract payment is again overdue she has not paid for in the months of January, February, March, April and May is just around the corner. She wasn’t current on her taxes until forced and had a lien on the property she had to pay off. Does this sound like a woman who should be in charge of this organization's checkbook??

Why do people continue to just blindly hand over hard earned money this nonprofit that does not pay their bills?? Have you ever wondered why they don’t go to certain veterinary practices that they bragged about before?? Could it be they have outstanding balances??

Now, I told you follow the flame of gaslighting. In the post signed by “Melissa” on April 19th it is not the original post. The original post was edited to remove she was using her child support to pay the bills replacing it to say that she uses her “spousal support”. Guess what folks she gets NO “spousal support” currently. She is lying. She in many years ago received a measly $100 a month in spousal support for 36 months after her divorce was final. That was from 2013 to 2016 (approx dates) she got a whopping $3600 IN TOTAL of spousal support. Yet she claims she is using this money to pay bills at the current farm. The way she talks you would think she got a settlement from a Rockefeller.

This woman is lying, pretending to be this sacrificial hero giving her spousal support to pay for the animals food, yet she doesn’t get a dollar of spousal support!! You are believing this hook, line and sinker. All you donors are supporting this woman, who can’t possibly claim an income because has no job. You would think during such modest times in our economy that people would be more careful who they give money to. Some have higher standards for their children, yet drink the juice and give this woman a pass.

Her favorite and most successful gaslighting technique is the big hype about the “haters”. It is that fake narrative of it is you and me against the world. Get people invested in this make believe world where Devoted Barn and its leader are hated for just existing and all these haters are just jealous of her greatness. There is no sinister group of people who are conspiring to hurt the animals. People can see that the dogs were kept inside a dirt floor barn with no heat or A/C in cages. How many live videos did you see of dogs being taken on walks or getting to go outside to get fresh air?? Is that a quality life or rehabilitation to be held in a cage in a barn for years?? She is an animal hoarder and holding animals hostage because they make her money and provide a lifestyle. She keeps bringing new ones in as she is buried under debt because she constantly needs that influx of what a new face brings, which is attention and money.

If you are a current volunteer or donor start to ask yourself, are you comfortable working hard and sacrificing your time, money and resources to support a woman who isn’t working just as hard as you are, lies and doesn’t pay her bills?? Are you supportive of a woman who moves 60ish dogs to a farm with no plan, permit in place, license or zoning to do so. You don’t move these dogs and worry about the consequences later and then blame the Township and everyone else. Do yourself a favor and read the opinion of the three judges who heard the case at Michigan Court of Appeals. They ruled in favor of the Township not because everyone is mean and out to get Devoted Barn, but because there is proper procedures required to house all those dogs. Follow the rules, yes they apply to you.

A person can only cry victim so many times before the public says enough. Each governmental organization that has oversight needs to start taking a long hard look at the conditions of the property, the conditions in which the animals are kept, the financial practices of this organization and this woman and her personal finances/taxes. No job, no income, no spousal support how does one support oneself?? If I was giving an opinion I would say your donations, but hey who is counting…could it be Uncle Sam??

-Lady DevotedDown


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