It is time to address the horse in the room (pun intended). As to the
misinformation campaign that seems to be drug through the village/s each time
the Devoted Barn and their leader gets caught with her chaps down.
Let’s be clear there is nothing that is “difficult” about her post. She has made an
archive of history asking for peoples hard earned money under the guise that she
is helping animals. She thinks nothing of asking and expecting funding to keep
alive HER “dream”.
This feral dog program started as a great idea, but quickly became a hostage
situation. Dogs taken off the streets, fearful dogs, dogs lacking socialization, she
would take them and “rehabilitate” them to become family pets. She would do
this by feeding them a spoonful of wet dog food, saying their names only to
return them to a giant cage in a windowless barn. They are deemed unadoptable,
yet we see a countless number of them wearing winter coats. So, you can put a
winter dog coat on them, but you are unable to get them into a home because
they can’t be touched. Makes sense!! There were no endless volunteers going to the farm daily walking these dogs and enriching their lives beyond a few moments outside of the cages in which they were confined. It is not until these dogs recently moved to the kennel that now houses them that they experienced any true outside time. This is not rescue and
this is not rehabilitation.
Now who really “deserved” this sanctuary?? That is a fantastic question!! Did
feral street dogs require a million-dollar property or did the leader?? It is obvious
where the need was and the justification behind it. There are a million plus
reasons why this property was “perfect” for them. Yet now it isn’t so perfect
because they just cannot seem to bulldoze their wants over elected officials
whose job it is to protect the integrity of the community they serve.
This woman ran into the exact same issue in the last location she ran her rescue.
There will always be zoning, ordinances and limits to what is allowed within city
limits. It is important that people comply with them no matter how much they
feel they are above following the rules. When you are facing having to leave a location because of a dog issue why would you not submit an official plan of what
you want to do at a property to get it approved PRIOR to moving in?? Have an
architect draft a drawing and fill out the proper paperwork to get it approved by
the building department and zoning. That is good faith, that is how to handle
your business, not this hey we are moving dogs today and will just deal with it
later. No community on Gods Green Earth lets you move 50+ dogs with no official
on paper plan and then say well I talked to this one guy.
Then when things go awry you start with the “haters”, and the township is run by
corrupt people BS. What is the one common factor in EVERY instance here?? You
have a leader of Devoted Barn who isn’t leading. She is creating havoc and
instead of looking at herself and asking where my responsibility in this is she sews
seeds of unjust treatment and that people are out to get her.
This is easy research, this is a million dollar property. She has no job, she receives
$900 a month in child support yet somehow pays the bills for herself, her children
and the animals on that measly amount (it is not measly to the average person,
but when you factor in the expenses do the math). So, the donations pay the
bills. There is no salary and she said point blank that the rescue pays for the
house. There is a way this nonprofit should be run, and this is not within the
guidelines of what 501c3’s are designed to do. You may be fine with her using
money to pay for her housing, the IRS is not.
As she makes these libelous claims against everyone else while taking zero
culpability in this mess ask yourself the hard questions. She bought this farm
which was in existence for 20 years before she arrived. They had a reputation
beyond reproach. All of a sudden, they are this group of haters conspiring
because she gets them the wrong toilet paper. How about they are horse people
and whether you agree or not there is a standard of care for a farm. Horse people
get it, they see her filth and destruction of what was once a beautiful place.
There are too many animals and not enough care to go around for the land or the
lives. Also, let us not forget that she has not paid her land contract since August
and has yet to provide the court with the escrow account where she is (allegedly)
depositing her payments in good faith.
Quit just mindlessly handing over you hard earned money to support a woman
who does not know the first thing about fiscal responsibility. Start doing the math
and stop being manipulated by the false flag narrative she is spinning. Ask the
tough questions like where all the money went that you raised for the new dog
building, the matched donations or the countless other fundraising that has been
done. This is a situation pure and simple of mismanagement of funds. How about
we see a personal tax return because without it we are left to wonder how this
woman does anything beyond what $900 monthly would support because she has
no job.
Just start today with a question of how and go from there.