Well by now you have seen it…Melissa needs just a tiny, little, no big deal $750,000 or a bargain $100,000 to put up for an appeal bond for her eviction. Girl please you always have your hand out.
We fight lies with facts so here we go!! Melissa, you know how you got here, this place of losing the farm. The most basic answer is you didn’t pay your bill. It has nothing to do with the former owners and had everything to do with you and nonpayment. They were forced to sue you multiple times to get you to comply and after NUMEROUS hearings and you STILL not paying the judge granted them relief under the law. You are EVICTED…this is not an IF situation you ARE evicted. It has been granted, period end of story. Here is the signed order below on the court record.
This is a spin job by you to save face because you know you are wrong. You thought you would manipulate, bully people and then use the system. Only the laws and the judge herself saw through your facade. The window of paying them is gone. Even this appeal is more gaslighting. You will have to state the legal grounds you are fighting eviction and guess what being in rescue or having all those animals is not a reason. There is no legal grounds to get a stay or grant a reversal of the order. The judge was not confused Melissa quit lying!!!
For those many who are questioning this $100,000 bond it is a civil bond, no 10%. It is used to deter frivolous appeals and lawsuits. The attorney was genius to ask for it and the judge even smarter to approve it. Melissa has a rich history of stalling, procrastination, thumbing her nose at the law/authority and we can’t forget not paying her bills. The courts needed to assure that the law abiders were protected from the law manipulators so here we are.
If by some stroke of luck Melissa comes up with $100,000 and files an appeal she will lose her case. There is no case law to cite to protect her from not paying her debt and ruining what was once a beautiful property. This $100,000 will not be returned to her, the lions share will go to the farm owners. So again, she is using your donations to fund yet another frivolous, unwinnable lawsuit. When will she learn?? When will you learn, those of you funding this?? Do you not remember her losing in Court of Appeals against Rose Township…remember she told you she would win for sure??? She lost and wasted over $40,000 in legal fees, that money was donated to the animals!!
You must start putting these animals lives before hers. If you care about them, you need to start putting them 1st. As this woman was facing a known eviction, she used money to fund horse shows, buy her daughter a horse and countless other unnecessary expenditures. If that isn’t telling, we don't know what is. You are facing being homeless and instead of tightening your belt and getting real you travel across 2 states to buy a horse for thousands. You should have been in negotiations to see if there is something you can work out, but instead you just think the money will flow into your coffers and you will get your way.
Who needs to be reminded of her rich history of failures??
✔️ Dearborn – House was condemned. City stepped in and said you can’t live here it was not fit for human habitation because of her neglect of the property. There was so much dog waste that they told her she had to leave the home. She left the house, let it foreclose and moved to Newport. While also leaving the neighbors to deal with a rat problem she created by leaving stacks of spoiled dog food in the garage.
✔️ Newport – Had many problems with the municipality. They had to file their own lawsuit to get her to comply, she said she was leaving THEN when she left the dogs at the property the county decided they were going to come in and take possession of them. In a panic she moved them quickly out to Rose Township because she had no plan and no other place for them to go.
✔️ Rose Township – She moves 60+ dogs out to a farm where there was no plan in place for them to be there. She claims she spoke with a city official and he told her no big deal to move over 60 dogs to a dirt floor barn. Of course, they too had to sue her to comply and she wastes over $40,000 (her words) on legal fees to fight a futile lawsuit. The entire basis of her argument was that the zoning officer told her she could move 60+ dogs with no oversight, proper building or code compliance on a fairy tale conversation that likely never took place except in her dreams. Rose Township was victorious in their cases and even the Court of Appeals judge in the video doubts the validity of Melissas story and stops short of calling her a bold face liar.
✔️ Several people over the years have loaned money or helped Melissa. One signed for her to get a truck lease and she turned in the truck DESTROYED. She refused to pay the damages, so they had to lien the property in Newport and got paid when it sold. Then a new sucker in Rose Township loaned her money at the new location, she never paid him back, so he too had to lien the current property to get paid back. According to a comment by a generous donor she loaned $100,000 and had not been paid back so she too put a lien on what was supposed to be the fantasy medical house in Newport. It sold in March of this year, so she got some money, but is STILL owed close to $50,000. This doesn’t count all the businesses, people and places that she owes money to for not paying her debts.
✔️ Then we have the land contract holder who has been put through the ringer. They too were not getting paid so they were forced to file multiple lawsuits. She has come up with some gaslight fiction that they owe her and that is why she isn’t paying. If you don’t have the money to stay current on your bills with collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars then you don’t belong there.
Do you notice this pattern?? All these municipalities and people being forced to file lawsuits and liens to get this woman to do the right thing and pay money she owes. Do you think she will be responsible with your donations??? What is going to happen when she loses her appeal and the $100,000 is GONE and she again has no money?? A new post will come up where she is begging for your dollars that’s what!!! She is the worst person to be in charge of these animals lives, there is no quality there for them. Look at that dog boarding dump she keeps those poor dogs in and that farm??? She has turned that place in to an episode of Hoarders. Did you hear she is keeping those neonate puppies…claims they are for her kids LOL!! Sounds like a great idea when you have been evicted get MORE animals…why stop???
She is no victim; she is a master manipulator and our last blog written by a former volunteer from years ago laid bare the facts of the abuse at that rescue. This blog and others have been on the receiving end of A LOT of abuse from these delusional Manson Family volunteers. One in particular “Kelley” has messaged the blog and people who have shared the blog. Read some of her beauties below. She threatens people, brings up their family members, their jobs and acts like a member of the Sopranos. This is what you have representing your rescue?? So much for being positive!!
Here again "Kelley" inciting and asking people to harass the farm owners. She actually published their personal cell and Devoted Barn left this post up and allowed this behavior. What reputable rescue would allow their volunteers to behave this way???
Here "Kelley" and another volunteer are blaming a former volunteer who does not write the blog. There are threats to her "personal endeavors and career "and a veiled threat about sharing her personal info. Can you imagine facing these nutjobs and being blamed for something you didn't do??? This is NOT OK!!
Here are some more doozies form other Kool Aide drinkers blaming several different people for the blog and calling them names and giving warnings. This should really make people take pause. This is where you are donating?? It is basically a group of bullies who have no other job than to go out and threaten people into being silent.
Then we have “Rhonda” chastising the barn family for not doing their part. They don’t give enough, share enough, participate enough or try to get people to donate enough. Do you realize that being a volunteer is VOLUNTARY??? They don’t have to do anything to help and if they do it is done out of the goodness of their hearts. How awful that you sit up there on your high horse and try to make people feel bad…telling them that you will literally euthanize animals if they don’t do MORE!! Those animals would be better off without Melissa taking money away from them to fund her life. These volunteers are sick of this charade and know all too well they are raising dollars and giving their time so Melissa can sleep, do very little and go to horse shows #momtime. Rhonda another gold star in the positive department for Devoted Barn...keep talking about the haters, look in the mirror!!
We want to end this with this week where we did see some positive and that came from the owners of the farm. They made a statement through their attorney letting the volunteers and public know that these animals will be taken care of. The only person threatening euthanasia is Melissa and her supporters. They seem to think the only one who can care for these animals is the person who lives off their backs and has a cult following.
In the wise words of Quentin Taratino…The easiest way to stop a cult is to make that cults behavior accessible. Enjoy your access and thank you to the brave people who are putting the animals lives first by speaking up, messaging us and sharing. Bless you all!!!!!