Can we talk about your donation dollars?? Watch this 25 second video clip where Melissa points out some of the medical equipment she got for the rescue back in 2019. Then look at the 3 pictures that were sent of medical equipment sitting and rotting at the house she owned next to the farm in Newport. What ever happened to all this expensive equipment??
She had this “dream” (we have all have heard about her “dream(s)” of what she wants to do that you pay for). She wanted to turn the little house in Newport near her old farm into a “medical house”. She wanted to have a veterinarian on staff and use it as a medical facility. That is why she said she needed the house and that is why she said she needed the equipment.
Now, think about something—logically wouldn’t a person have to OK all of this with the city PRIOR to doing it?? Wouldn’t you have to know if zoning would allow you to convert a residential house in a residential area into a business?? Let alone a medical veterinary facility—none of this was done. Par for the course if you are Melissa you just spend/or get donated tens of thousands of dollars ($63,999 was the purchase price of the little house according to the Covenant Deed for 6425 N Dixie Hwy Newport, MI 48166). That doesn’t even include what she could have spent for the equipment. In March 2022 this little house in Newport was sold so what happened to the almost $65,000 they got for that house??
Talk about history repeating itself. Do you not see the pattern of the waste--using donation money frivolously?? In all the properties she buys/operates there is no concrete plan for the goal, no architect submitting plans, there is no proper research or city government approval of what she wants to do. She just buys these properties with nothing submitted officially in writing to zoning, the building department or any agency with oversight. She just thinks she can do whatever she wants because in her mind she helps animals and the rules don’t apply to her.
Who just gets to do whatever they want, spend whatever they want with no fiscal responsibility whatsoever?? Melissa does because she knows that YOU the donors will just keep the money flowing. She can ignore your questions, not say thank you for what you give and when pressed she just gaslights you into believing that she is the victim of all these haters and people are just jealous.
Why is the board of Devoted Friends Animal Society just letting her cook her books that are tied to the DFAS tax id number?? Do they not realize that by sitting on a board they have a fiduciary duty to police her and her spending?? Especially her personal spending that she comingles on the books/banking of DFAS accounts.
That when/if the IRS decides to audit the rescue and Melissa personally that the board members as individuals are on the hook. Tough questions and the microscope are not kind to a board who shies away from oversight or a person who misappropriates rescue funds for personal use and personal expenses.
Please think about the waste, think about this woman has no job and does not get spousal support, who is paying her bills, why is it okay that the dollars you donate that are earmarked for a certain cause are not spent for that cause 100% of the time, that in her words she has spent $40,000 in attorney fees on two cases she lost (circuit and court of appeals) and that her only plan is just for you to send her more of your hard earned money.
Stop opening those wallets and start opening your eyes. The lies are everywhere you are just choosing to look past them because they are tied to cute furry faces. We all deserve better, especially the animals.