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From the Heart of a Former Volunteer

I am a former volunteer.

I also believed in the cause.

I love animal rescue; I own rescued dogs, my heart is in the right place. I’m also college educated and employed.

I poured my blood, sweat, money, tears, time, energy, heart & soul into the animals at TDB.

I drove along with Melissa to pick-up animals she’d rescued; I drove numerous TDB dogs to the vet, I comforted animals while they were euthanized at the barn for a variety of reasons.

I spent time with Melissa’s kids, I’d been in her home, we’d even shared meals. She told me she considered me a good friend. I was a foundational volunteer who was involved in the day-to-day operations.

I networked, I helped facilitate fundraisers, I worked the fundraisers, I shared and shared and shared these animals, events, and pleas for help on social media endlessly. I begged for help just as so many of her followers do.

I believed in the same cause that so many devoted, fervent and, unfortunately, vicious supporters still believe in.

I started questioning what I believed in when words didn’t always match actions; when the promises of medical care or treatments for animals didn’t happen, when items that were donated weren’t used (or they were misused, or wasted, or broken).

And, finally, I stopped believing when I saw animals dying unnecessarily, animals languishing without the treatment that was promised upon their rescue, when paying for the treatments suddenly wasn’t in the budget yet there was a steady stream of incoming rescues. Animals seemed to get adopted out here or there, to whomever, and sometimes they would just disappear or get randomly taken elsewhere without explanation.

I stopped believing because if I dared question anything I was met with disdain, disbelief and gaslit into oblivion about how I misunderstood, didn’t know what I was talking about or simply “how dare you!” Then I would get stonewalled and mysteriously excluded from conversations and decisions. I saw A LOT of really questionable, possibly illegal, and very negligent things happen – and they happened on my watch, too.

When I finally left I did so, “professionally,” and had a conversation with Melissa spelling out why I was leaving. But here’s the thing – you can’t just leave The Devoted Barn. Especially if you were in the inner circle; you know too much. The smear campaign begins – you morph into an enemy; now you stole something, you mismanaged something, you broke something, you made an egregious error, you’re “jealous,” you’re “a hater,” or in some cases you actually killed an animal in retaliation (an animal that coincidentally died recently becomes great “hater” propaganda). It’s wild. You’ll get messages from

strangers on Facebook threatening you, you’ll see your name and address shared in comments on Facebook, and sometimes Melissa manages to successfully triangulate people you thought were your friends against you. It’s honestly an impressive display of Narcissistic personality traits. I recommend you google Narcissistic Abuse. NOBODY escapes TDB without fear of retribution – this is why there are so

few who actually speak out. The mob mentality of TDB is dangerous and intimidating.

Melissa knows who I am. She’ll either deny it, or she’ll say I wasn’t that involved – both of which are stories she’s clung to historically. But I’ve stood up and spoken at meetings in Newport. I’ve looked her in the eye and spoken my truth. I’ve gotten the hateful and threatening messages from strangers; I’ve also worried a little too much when I see a car drive by my house a little too slowly. But I’m still here.

Once this blog is posted you will very likely see the following happen:

1. My name will be shared

2. My address will be shared

3. My social media will be shared

4. They will say I did something terrible or wrong

5. I’ll receive hateful messages

6. Melissa will not ask her followers to stand down; she lets her people stir it up as much as they want because it means more donations for her

7. The people who ask questions of TDB on social media will be bullied, blocked or worse. They may get a partial answer, but never a whole answer.

These are patterns. Look for them! I NEED you to look for them because the pattern is why this “sanctuary” continues to perpetuate its stories. And when you can see the pattern for what it is, you can begin to see the truth and escape the lies.

Every single problem TDB has isn’t Melissa’s fault. Someone misled her, they lied, she’s being targeted, the haters and bullies are attacking her. Despite having attorneys to help navigate her legal woes - everything is confusing, and we never know what’s actually going on. It’s a blur! Whatever situation she hangs her excuses on is never in writing, and yet we are meant to believe she is a world-renowned trainer, rescuer and behaviorist with incredible knowledge and experience.

Melissa and Devoted Friends Animal Society have been in the animal rescue game for over a dozen years. TDB began its journey in August of 2013 in Monroe County. After dozens and dozens (and dozens) of citations for blight, unlicensed on-site events, unlicensed operation of a kennel and animal rescue and for failing to follow-through completely with a site-plan and special-use permit through that township, she was court ordered to vacate the property.

This is public knowledge – the court documents can be

found using FOIA or online. She didn’t move to Rose Township because she wanted to – she was kicked out of Newport, she knew it was happening because it took many months and she’s the one in charge. She even took too long to get all her animals off-site to Rose Township because the entire move was so hap-hazard, that local Animal Control got involved after her last day.

So here we are again – it’s still not her fault, she’s always the victim, and she’s being evicted AGAIN. The dogs were already moved off-site because TDB failed to properly establish a special use permit and now TDB is finally in trouble for not paying the bills.

You can’t have it both ways. You can’t claim to be an expert in your field AND continually make the same mistakes that put your animals at risk. You can’t claim your 501c3 non-profit is reputable when your tax filings are two years behind, every request for transparency online is met with vitriol or blocked and you especially can’t claim to be responsible with the near half-a-million dollars in donations annually when you’re being evicted (for the second time). How can the public be expected to believe that these things just keep happening? Judges do not make legal decisions based on hearsay and the opinions of “haters;”facts led to the eviction rulings.

If you are a current or former volunteer - listen to me:

I was in your shoes. I trusted and believed in TDB. I was in it for the animals just like you. It was an impossibly difficult task to come to terms with my involvement in a rescue group that was not managed appropriately, and I bared witness to it. Things happened on my watch. I also got wrapped up in defending this person and this organization. There is an incredible amount of embarrassment and shame that comes along with realizing you were lied to, gaslit, misled and used. I still feel shame for trusting someone who wasn’t actually my friend. You’re not a bad person! You gave them the benefit of the doubt, you trusted, you felt like you were a trusted friend! Your heart is in the right place and you believe(d) in someone who you thought you could trust.

You are a VICTIM.

Please understand that when you are afraid to ask questions, afraid to be honest, afraid to tell your truth – you are not in a safe space; you are being abused. You are a victim of abuse.

There are hundreds of former volunteers who know how bad things really are but are afraid to speak out for the reasons I mentioned above – the bullying, the doxing of your private information, threats and fear. I beg every one of you to come forward and share your stories, your information and your truths. If you want the best for the animals that are still under the care of TDB – do it for them. Your experiences do not belong in the shadows of guilt and shame – they belong in the light with the truth. The few of us who choose to stand and fight do so knowing the risks – we have families, lives and animals too. Message the blog – you will be honored for your strength and truth, and you will be doing what’s best for the remaining animals.

Look for the patterns.

Listen to people.

Please know there are resources if your mental health has been impacted by any of this:

Suicide or Crisis Hotline – CALL OR TEXT 988, available 24 hours a day


Kimberly Joy
Dec 01, 2022

So why don't you come out publicly with proof of what you are claiming. All you people that hide who you are, probably have more to hide.


Nov 29, 2022

Wow! Just Wow! Thank you for being courageous enough to share your experience. God bless!

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