Dearest Gentle Readers,
It has been a while since your Lady Devoted Down has broached the NOT devoted situation. Alas, summer vacations seem to be a much better way to spend the day than emitting frustrations over such scoundrels.
But once again, this latest foray into perpetual lies and shenanigans forces this writer to withhold opinion no longer. I am keen to say, we should all take thought and pay great attention to the fact that there is only one party who is airing the laundry on more than just a clothesline. The continual bemoaning’s of this madam give one pause to realize – how much longer can she continue to place the blame anywhere else but on her own shoulders. For someone who claims to be so “positive” on her less than mediocre attempts at social media (should we need to see anymore captions of feet and mud?), this author will borrow from the ever so brilliant William and say me thinks thou doth protest too much. Dearest readers – one must understand the lengths to which Madam Borden continues to perpetuate these lies.
Let us revisit the shameful and outright slanderous antics shall we?
1. The claim to be looking for a property in which there was income potential.
Madam Borden, you stated that Devoted is a Non-Profit 501 (c) 3 Charity. As such, taking in for-profit proceeds from a business under that guise is a BIG no no and renders you no longer a non- profit charity. This also means to all those readers of Rose Township, your “exemplary” neighbor is shirking off the responsibility of being a taxpayer just like the rest of you by claiming she is a “non-profit”.
2. Madam Borden states there were 16 stalls the previous owners (let’s call them the Ladies of the Manor) were leasing from Devoted and ones on which she collected money. She also states she wants them to leave so that she can then actually start leasing them out. This would lead you readers to believe that was her only option and the only stalls in which she could lease for “income”. However, as mentioned in previous posts and by doing a look at the barn itself – there are most likely double that amount of stalls in that Barn. It has been noted, multiple times that there use to be existing clients of the Ladies of the Manor that boarded their horses there. So it is clear that these 16 stall are NOT the only option for her to take in other clients. If one knows the average board amount that can be found in a simple search (easy to do with that thing called Google) it amounts to aprox $600 - $700.00 a month. Shall we do the math? For purposes of comparison – Approximately 16 additional stalls @ $700.00 a month? Tisk Tisk Madam Borden – you really do like to paint yourself as the victim don’t you? And what about those “unmentioned” existing clients, ones that have clearly been there as evidenced in the Township Meetings where they spoke about Madam Borden’s lack of management and care? She MUST have been paid by all of them – thus giving her that much wanted income? Could it be that these unmentioned clients have left for proverbial greener pastures, to places that have proper business plans, adequate supplies and safe pastures?
3. Lets pass this to the next level readers….. Madam Borden states the “Cost” to support each stall is really $700.00 a month not the $300 she claims the ladies currently pay. But if that is the going board rate at other barns, then one could assume that collecting only “cost” of $700.00 a month would have rendered any business wholly in the Red. But this has not been the case with most boarding barns because they understand how to set a proper business plan. They know how to properly manage the manor. Actual operating costs are not what she would have you believe. Alas, since Madam Borden is so unaccomplished as to the proper operations of a successful boarding business, it seems to this author that something must be amiss.
4. With that being said – let us revisit those unused stalls again….. why then is Madam Borden so concerned about removing 16 when it is quite evident to this author that she already has numerous possibilities open right now to do just that? OH that’s right! I failed to mention previously….I have been told that she has moved her personal horses in, hired a convicted felon as a trainer (who is operating as a separate named barn within the facility - all public knowledge) and has also allowed volunteers to keep their animals there as well. Do they not pay board? Furthermore, if any of you social media types follow Madam Borden – you know full well that this summer has been spent at various horse shows with that same trainer and Madam’s personal horses. Looking that up – the avg. cost of that? $500-750 per show. How does one afford such things if one is so broke she can hardly afford groceries and by her own admission has NO PAYING JOB?
5. Madam Borden then mentions that her own volunteers are purchasing grain (out of their own pocket it appears) to feed those “horses”. One can garner then that not only are Devoted Donations but now Volunteer’s own money are being directed to pay and care for personal horses?? Then Madam Borden also goes on to say how she still has to “pay” for those 16 horses belonging to the Ladies of the Manor and what a horrid situation this is?? But wait….. didn’t she just say she isn’t paying for them? This author is quite confused. SO many versions of the same old story its is impossible to keep up with the lies. But = if clearly there are open stalls for Boarders – why then are they not full of Paying Clients? If $10.00 “goes a long way”, then surely $700 a stall would circle the world!
6. Madam Borden claims that the Ladies of the Manor stopped paying the rent. This needs further examination. What is understand from Court Documentation, payment was stopped only after Madam Borden failed to make her payments on the Land Contract. So you see, the financial hardships were not caused by the Ladies of the Manor as she claims its has. No dearest readers, the truth is that Madam Borden has you all under a spell that even Merlin would have a hard time breaking. The truth is that the Ladies of the Manor have been setting all payments in escrow and have proven that to the court in their last court case – one in which they prevailed and the courts agreed with their claims. It is a very interesting read should anyone choose to take a look. Amazing what public records are kept these days. But I digress, that has been previously detailed. Many times. Why must we continue to bore you with the details??
Dearest readers, I must IMPLORE you to take a closer look. Madam Borden and her constituents are acting like literal paupers, begging for your money day in and day out. This is NOT a proper business plan. You cannot think to purchase a property for 1.13M and not have a solid business plan. Furthermore, if one actually added up the numbers, took a close look at the claims…. one would see that your hard earned money really does not appear to be fully spent on the causes that are paraded out in front of your eyes day after day. There is no transparency, no truth and by looking at the pleas for money – with information provided by Madam Borden herself - donations appear to flow through what can be construed as Madam Borden’s personal account . Quick Research to Venmo – it is a “personal” account not a business account to which Venmo donations are sent. Again – simple and easy homework for those that take the time to understand where their hard earned money goes. This author also did research the “non-profit” status with Venmo. There is NO regulation that a Non-Profit cannot have a Venmo business account. The issue is the problem with the donor receiving a proper receipt from Venmo directly. So – given that – the account SHOULD be listed under a business classification, with a business name and you should receive a donation record from the Devoted Barn.
Why, when you perpetuate a picture of no income, “scraping together money for grain and feed”, do you continue to take in animal after animal that you simply cannot afford? Because its the tug on your heart strings for money. When was the last time, my dear readers, did we see any updates on the multiple emergency cases over the past year you have so generously donated to? How many animals have passed and yet we don’t hear a follow up and we don’t have any proof that Proper Vet care is being given. Where has all the money gone? It is disturbing to this author that this shameful irresponsibility, the flagrant spending of Devoted money for PERSONAL ANIMALS continues each and every day under the direction of Madam Borden.
One must ask – for a Lady to have no actual job, who by all her own admissions takes nothing, no salary from Devoted - afford to go to Horse shows, afford to support multiple personal horses, afford to buy groceries, gas or clothes? Readers, please ponder for a long time about where all her income to afford such things must come from? It doesn’t take a Blood Hound to sniff out the foul stench coming from the Devoted Sanctuary… and we are not referencing the mountain of manure.
Until next time….. I am exhausted already and we are only a mere 10 minutes into the cringeworthy live. I will give you, my readers a chance to take a breath. Until next time…. when we can resume examining these antics yet once again.
Lady Not Devoted Down