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Adoptable Animals?

By now you have all seen the never ending money grabs and asking anywhere from $100k all the way up to $750k. Melissa throws these numbers out like she is asking for a small, pittance of an amount of money. Devoted Barn followers even asked people to forego a Christmas gift or two for their kids and donate that to the never ending cause. When will folks realize they are being duped? Melissa is nothing more than an unemployed con artist that has used these animals to fund her lifestyle. It's likely that some of your funds will be used to purchase her own children Christmas gifts. How many of you would dream of having a horse? Or have children whose dream would be to own a pony? And then we have this woman living like she is Jeff Bezos with an endless supply of horses.

If you look on The Devoted Barn website there are 27 horses available for sponsorship. Most of these are younger, some ponies and even some yearlings. These horses would be highly adoptable, yet they are not available? You see, they are worth much more to Melissa to be used as a constant money grab. Now look at the adoptable horse list. There are seven horses listed, three of which are 30 years plus. Wouldn't it make more sense if these were "sanctuary" horses and the younger, broke horses were available for adoption? Did you know that Leo (available for sponsorship) is actually the foal of Melissa's personal horse Bella? They rescued Bella and then bred her to have a foal. And that foal is now a grown horse supported by the rescue?!?! He also was sent to training to learn to be ridden. Did donated dollars pay for that? See screenshots from The Devoted Barn and Melissa's own page...We don't lie. YES, A RESCUE PURPOSELY BRED A RESCUE MARE TO HAVE A FOAL AND NOW ASKS FOR DONATIONS TO PAY FOR THAT FOAL'S CARE. And you support this?!?!

Why would a sanctuary keep healthy, adoptable, sound horses? We'll give you a hint. Melissa is keeping them for herself. Now let's look at the adoptable dog list. There are two dogs Nyla and Kylie available for adoption. These dogs reside at the "Doghouse" (aka Meth House). Why wouldn't these dogs go to a foster home? Maybe Melissa doesn't realize if she is housing adoptable dogs, that kennel MUST be an MDARD licensed shelter. We have seen pictures and that dump would NEVER pass any sort of inspection by MDARD. Here is a link to all MDARD's animal shelter requirements. But remember- rules are Melissa's strong suit and nothing is EVER her fault. Melissa is a master manipulator and perhaps she should just go back to her high paying sports medicine trainer job she supposedly had that earned her $100/hour (her words).

There are upwards of 150 animals on the property only a small handful available for adoption on the website? What sense does that make? Where are the details on the goats, sheep, pigs, feathered farm fowl that are adoptable? We see Emily T. posting chickens and ducks all over Facebook groups. Why can't they take the time to list these animals on their website? None of this makes sense when there is a constant, urgent beg for funding to care for all of these critters! And they are STILL bringing more animals to this property! Just today they posted that they brought another horse there from an auction that is supposedly "owned by 2 volunteers". Are these volunteers paying board? Did they pay for the horse, its hauling from the auction facility, its vet care? We very highly doubt it. Again, where is the proof? We believe that Melissa decided to take in yet another horse but knows that it looks bad when they are always begging for money. Why not add one more mouth to feed? One more animal that needs vet care? When does it end??

1 Comment

Kimberly Joy
Dec 15, 2022

Julie Julie Julie..... Lies lies lies. You are really a very pathetic person. Once again, your opinions are NOT fact.

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