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39 Forgotten Prisoners

The names below are the 39 dogs still under the care of The Devoted Barn. Some of these dogs have been there since 2014! These dogs are living in an old dilapidated boarding kennel. You can see photos from the facility in these blogs.

What actual rehabilitation is being done at this organization? Why have these dogs been in the program for so long? If they aren't progressing in the "program" what other steps are being taken to give them a chance? Why are no certified animal behaviorists coming in to help get these dogs make it into homes?? All we have heard are excuses. Honestly, it's clear that that there is no plan from The Devoted Barn to get these dogs rehabilitated. Melissa Borden has no certifications or formal education in animal training and behavior, yet she is the one claiming that this program works. If nobody steps in to force change, these dogs will all die there, never knowing what it feels like to be loved and in a home. Every dog deserves this chance, and The Devoted Barn is depriving them of it.

The new farm property that Melissa is attempting to purchase is being planned for the horses, livestock animals and Melissa's personal home (of course all donation funded). It is unlikely that any consideration was made to bring the dogs there prior to planning to purchase the property as they are definitely not the priority. They will continue to be failed.

Bubba- Intake 2014 (2014 video of 5 year old child hand feeding him) (2021 Mel mentions that Bubba is welcoming touch, brushing, as well as leash work) (Post mentioning McGraw and how he was labeled a "lifer". McGraw went to a home, why not Bubba??

Elliott- Intake 2014 (2015 TDB admits that Elliott has regressed. Why were additional steps not taken to help him at this point?)

Zara-Intake October 2014

Zara has bonded with several volunteers and there have been offers to foster/adopt her and they have been refused.

Alana-Intake 2015

9:08 “Alana doing very well on leash” (2018 Video saying she is ready for foster home but needs leash work-35:20 mins)

Presley- Intake 2016

Came from a shelter in Georgia. She is a "feral" dog. Still is untouchable.

Morgan-Intake 2016

(Spoon feeding in 2016 making “so much progress”)

Elvis-Intake 2016

Came from a shelter in Georgia with Presley.

Bobby-Intake 2016

Nov 30 2021 video (goes for walks and does overnights) (2018 video mentions that he is already ready for foster at 34:36 mins) (Ready for a home again in 2021. Why not networked?)

Louise, Monty-Intake 2016 (2016 video of Louise already seeking pets and attention)

Louise has spent lots of time in the homes of volunteers, has gone on weekend trips, has gone kayaking (pictured)....WHY isn't she in a permanent home or being spotlighted to get out of the kennel???

Jake -Intake 2016

Allows and enjoys pets. Has had offers to foster him that were ignored.

Harrison-Intake 2016

Harrison was not neutered upon intake and fathered an accidental litter of puppies while at the rescue.

Copper-Intake 2016

Copper in incontinent due to a severe spinal deformity that he was born with. Because of this, The Devoted Barn has deemed him "unadoptable" and he spends his days in the dog dungeon.

Ryker-Intake 2017

Ryker is one of the more shut down and fearful dogs in the organization. If he stays, he will never have the opportunity to work with someone certified to help him blossom.

Marley- Intake 2017 from Soi Dog Thailand

Marley was in a foster home for a year and was returned shortly before TDB moved to Holy. She is pictured on a bed in her foster home. She has not been networked out since she returned.

Rose-Intake 2017 from Soi Dog Thailand

Rose is very fearful still and needs extra one on one work. She will never receive the time and attention she needs in the current environment.

Marvin-Intake 2017 from Soi Dog Thailand

(eating out of hand 2/20/17)

Like all of the rest, he needs quiet, one on one time if he is ever going to have a chance.

Twinkle, Foxy- Intake 2017 from Soi Dog Thailand

Pumpkin-Intake 2017

Pumpkin was available on the website as available for foster for some time but has since been removed. Why?? She also spent quite a bit of time in Mel's basement in Newport in 2018 after she developed Ivermectin Toxicity when Mel instructed volunteers to use large animal wormer as heart-worm preventative. Why was she not put into a foster home when she was healthy?

Lawan-Intake 2017 Soi Dog Thailand

Lawan is another extremely fearful dog who has not at all benefited from the environment of the resuce. She needs a completely different program.

Daddy-Intake 2017

Daddy was a "feral" dog running loose on an air force base. He was caught and has never received proper rehab.

Kylie-Intake 2017 Soi Dog Thailand

Said to have escaped a couple foster homes to "get back to the rescue"

Last time mentioned for adoption 5/20/2023

KitKat-Intake 2017

Came from Flint City Pits as a "feral" dog.

Roxy,Scarlett,Blitzen,Joseph- Intake 2018

This group of dogs came from a hoarding situation. Many of them were adopted but these four fell through the cracks and have been absorbed into a different kind of hoarding situation. Blitzen and Roxy are available for adoption on the website but rarely mentioned anywhere.

Will-Intake 2018

Instead of getting a happy ending, he is living in the dog dungeon without rehabilitation.

Blondie, Caroline, Abby- Intake 2018

These guys were a "feral" pack from South Carolina. They have not received proper rehabilitation or socialization.

Gypsy-Intake 2018 Came to the barn as a stray that had been on the run for a while and had been shot. It is rumored that Gypsy has a microchip and did have owners possibly. (2018 video mentions that she is already ready for foster at 34:36 mins)

Oakley-Intake 2018

Is not listed for foster or adoption anywhere.

Bodie-2018 Intake

Bodie was found as a stray in Chicago. He is blind. He could be ready for foster/adoption.

Sara-Intake 2018

Sarah came to the barn as quite a young dog. She was able to be leashed when she was in Newport and Melissa would take her on walks. She has since regressed in the program.

Duffy-Intake 2018 from Soi Dog Thailand

Duffy is another dog brought over from Thailand with the intent to be rehabilitated through TDB magical program. Of course this has not happened and she is stuck in the kennel. These dogs would have been better off staying at Soi Dog.

Charity-Intake 2019 from Genesse County AC

Charity has also had offers for adoption. She is very sweet and social. Adoption offers have been denied.

Nyla-Intake 2019 from Genesee County AC

Nyla has spent time in foster homes. It is said that she has a bite history. She has never had an evaluation from a behavioral specialist but The Devoted Barn has deemed her a "lifer." She has had offers to adopt her from past volunteers very familiar and bonded with her. They have been ignored.

In the below live video from 2018 you can hear Melissa mention multiple dogs that were available for foster/adoption at that point.

December 18, 2018 - Live Video

Dogs ready for fosters @ 33 minute mark

  • Sara

  • Bobby

  • Kylie

  • Gypsy

  • Pumpkin

In the comments Daddy, Oakley, and Will are also mentioned as being ready to go into homes. That is EIGHT dogs that were ready to go into homes according to Melissa and the organization at the end of 2018, and it is now 2023 and those eight dogs are all still there. WHY?

These dogs will NOT thrive and rehabilitate in their current situation. These dogs need proper rehabilitation and behavioral experts to move them along and into homes. Is it possible that some will never make it into homes? Sure! But the chances are high that if things were done the right way and the environment was actually conducive to rehabilitation, most of those dogs absolutely could live in a home. Spoon feeding them for nine years is NOT the way.

There are no plans for these dogs to actually rehabilitate them. There are no plans to improve their living conditions and provide them the true sanctuary living that The Devoted Barn leads you to believe they are living. Their faces are the bread and butter for this organization and Melissa's personal income. Like all of the other animals, they are being warehoused and cared for by the bare mimimim requirements. Animal Control cannot do anything about this situation because as we have stated before, Michigan animal protection laws are weak, and there are technically no laws being broken. What is up for debate are the morals and ethics of the ways these dogs are being cared for and housed. The public needs to be the authority that asks the questions and hold Melissa Borden and The Devoted Barn accountable. Demand change! Get them to hire some professionals to evaluate these dogs and see what can be done to help them. Ask them why perfectly acceptable people have been ignored when asked about adopting. Ask why there have been no fundraisers or plans to move the dogs to a more suitable facility.

Don't let the dogs be forgotten!

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