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First and Foremost- Who are we? 

This website was created to bring awareness to some questions arising surrounding The Devoted Barn in Rose Township, MI. The creators of this site have chosen to remain anonymous for several reasons, the biggest reason being that many supporters of The Devoted Barn have shown cult like and dangerous tendencies toward anyone speaking out or asking questions in the past. Honestly, the blind supporters of TDB far outnumber the people trying to spread the truth and bring awareness. Our voices continue to be silenced in the public online forum by many who are not willing to consider the fact that this organization may not be the savior it presents itself to be. This is our opportunity to lay everything out in one place.


Let us be very clear about one thing. WE ALL LOVE ANIMALS. PERIOD. The purpose of us trying to bring awareness to some of these issues is because we actually just want better for all of the animals in the care of The Devoted Barn. We believe that there desperately needs to be a change in leadership for this organization to thrive and become the best place for these animals to be.


We hope that this site can shed light some of the management issues at The Devoted Barn, and gather more support to demand change. We honestly feel that it is in the best interest of the animals. Please take the time to at least read through what we have to present. You owe it to the animals to at least hear the other side.





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